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David Allen

Rs. 293

Suitable for Management consultants, Managers and workaholics

Best suited for working professionals aged 30 years and above. I am a Management consultant and i have to deal with multiple clientele, lot of files to go through and immense data to analyse which needs too much focus and I often get stuck with unwanted old files in my mind which occupies a lot of memory. Techniques mentioned in this book seems to be Old School but they actually worked amazing well after I started implementing them. Nice read. Go for it


The methodology is quite simple but the ease it offers the practitioner is unbelievable. The book is not a very easy read as it has a myriad of details about the implementation of the methodology. I had to read the book twice to fully come to grips with it. But it has really been worth the time investment. This is one of the all time great self help manuals you will ever read eventhough it is not a typical self help book.

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Change Gears  
Weekly eZine                               Issue No.961 Dt:-06-11-2022

From the Editor's Desk Quotes of the Week Spiritual Centre Story Time Inspirational Words Time to Smile New Initiatives by Seechange

From the Editor's Desk



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See you at the Top - soon!

S. Prakash
CG Editor, See Change's CEO & Corporate Success Coach

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The Secret Law of Attraction

Authors, metaphysicians, entrepreneurs, Feng Shui consultants, Investment trainers and so on narrated their commentaries in The Secret. Should we see and say The Secret (movie) as training, a documentary, a workshop, CBM, introduction to life, etc? I leave the choice to viewers. I am pleased to recall some of interesting points featured movie. Yes, it is a must watch for trainers.

God is energy: The first law of Thermodynamics says that “Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only change forms”. Can we create God, Can we destroy God? Thus God can be compared to energy. We all have God within us. We run on energy.

Gratitude: Have a gratitude for what you have today. But start dreaming. Dreams can come true. Few people do carry Gratitude stone in their pocket.

Visualization: Start visualizing. Someone wanted to have three girl friends and Feng Shui Consultant asked him to paint it. He was very happy to enjoy what he wanted. Suddenly he wanted to get married. And he achieved happy married life as he painted his beliefs. That’s the wonder of visualization. So start visualizing whatever you want in life. And suddenly it will appear as Gift from Universe. So if you wish to be CEO of company…..start visualizing.

Start believing: My belief is to make organization world’s top consulting organization and this belief has become stronger. If someone who survived a plane crash can start walking normally, why can’t we? It can be attributed to just one thing – Belief.

Future Proof Your Business (FPYB)
For more details Please call Mr. Anand @ +91 94440 25283
or Email

Practice and take actions: Take charge of your life. Take bold decisions. If you are unhappy in your business, relationship, studies, financial stability, etc….remove negative energy and build positive energy. Try appreciating what you like and stop worrying about what you hate. Let positive things empower negative things. Start focusing on what you want and you are likely to achieve it.

What you get is what you give: Your emotions, beliefs, energies, all go and come. What you radiate today, you will get it tomorrow. Only you are responsible for yourself.

Whatever you resist persists: As per movie, certain things can never be changed. Better change ourselves.


The Life Skills 101 Book download links:

Click here to download a sample PDF giving you insights on what the book is about and what it can offer you and your Team Members.


Here are the links for various online shops where in you can buy the book:

Paperback in Instamojo online Store -

Paperback in Amazon.in -

Paperback in Flipkart.com -

Kindle version in Amazon.com -

Kindle version in Amazon.in -

Future Proof Your Business + 36 Golden Rules + Life Skills 101 - Combo Offer

Quotes of the Week

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” - Maya Angelou

“People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

“Our character is what we do when we think no one is looking.” - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

“Character consists of what you do on the third and fourth tries.” - James Michener

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From the Editor's Desk Quotes of the Week Spiritual Centre Story Time Inspirational Words Time to Smile New Initiatives by Seechange
Spiritual Centre

Pure Mind

“A pure mind finds its direction within because it is centered.”

(C) Shri. Kamlesh D. Patel - President, Shri Ram Chandra Mission - http://www.sahajmarg.org


Story Time - WhatsApp is Down

Priya, a media executive in her late 20s, is constantly in the hustling mode of getting things done. It does not matter if it is Sunday or any other festive holiday. Whatsapp, for every Indian, is a Priya’s medium for constant communication too. Following up with the team and updating clients about work progress means the phone is just like an extended part of her body. Working from home hadn’t decreased her productivity by one bit. 

Suddenly yesterday, WhatsApp just went off. As with every tragedy, the first stage is denial. She restarted her wifi, then switched on to mobile data, and restarted her mobile phone, but still no luck. She then realised that other sites were working, which means her internet connection is working properly. The issue is with WhatsApp. As usual, she ran towards Twitter to check, and it was filled with memes about WhatsApp not working. 

She started checking her phone every two minutes, hoping WhatsApp would start working. But sadly, it didn’t. She sent SMS and mail for important pending communication and then kept her phone aside. She picked it up after two minutes and then again checked if it was working, but it wasn't. She did this for the next 15-20 minutes before finally accepting that WhatsApp was not working. 

Keeping the phone in her bedroom, she came out into the living room. All that was going on in her head was how much time WhatsApp would be off and how bad the situation would be. She just lied down on the sofa, relaxed a bit, and had her lunch. 

Finally, after two hours, WhatsApp started working, and her WhatsApp was flooded with messages. She got into her firefighting mode to solve problems. But to her surprise, there weren't any. She checked it again. A few required her to revert, but a prompt revert was not required. After replying to a few messages, she put the phone aside and a realization hit her—work continued without her constant intervention. 

She prided herself on replying to every message within minutes, but was that really needed? Was the sense of urgency that she always had in her mind, which caused her stress and anxiety, really needed? It wasn't as she had seen. A wave of relief washed over his body. She decided to just be away from the phone for a few more minutes and enjoy this feeling. 


I just cannot leave my laptop, I have to check WhatsApp continuously, I have to pick up every call when my phone rings etc. Except for your role, which is customer care or emergency service, these things are not true. 

I am not denying the fact that your work is important, but all of it is not urgent, so let go of the anxiety and worry of reverting to things quickly. Also, stop judging people and assuming they are lazy when they revert to your message a few minutes late.


Inspirational Words

“Laugh my friend, for laughter ignites a fire within the pit of your belly and awakens your being.” - Stella McCartney

“The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.” - Nicolas Chamfort

“In all of living have much joy and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed not just endured.” - Gordon B. Hinkley

“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” - Oprah Winfrey

From the Editor's Desk Quotes of the Week Spiritual Centre Story Time Inspirational Words Time to Smile New Initiatives by Seechange
Time to Smile

Life is Like That

Say It With Flowers

A man stops by his local florist shop to buy flowers for his new girlfriend. He asks the proprietor, "You know the expression, 'You should say it with flowers'?"

"How about three dozen of my finest roses?" the florist asks.

"Make it a half dozen roses," the man answers. "I'm a man of few words."

From the Editor's Desk Quotes of the Week Spiritual Centre Story Time Inspirational Words Time to Smile New Initiatives by Seechange
New Initiatives by Seechange

The Round-the-Clock Non Stop Management Conclave

SCC has created a new wing which provides placement services.

For Further details contact Mr. M. K. Anand @ +91 94440-25283 (or) Email to anand@seechangeworld.com

From the Editor's Desk Quotes of the Week Spiritual Centre Story Time Inspirational Words Time to Smile New Initiatives by Seechange

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